Monday, March 15, 2010

What's so bad about being selfish?

I almost gave my plans to run the middle finger today. The makings were all there for a "I'll just go tomorrow" moment: it was 40-something degrees and windy, I left work a little later than I had planned, I was extremely hungry after a disappointing "Smart One" frozen meal at lunch, and my husband had a headache and needed reprieve from a 2-year-old.

But without over analyzing the situation (which would have certainly led to me directing the car home), I just went. I could deal with the cold, the wind and the late start. And thankfully my husband agreed to stick it out an hour longer (thank you, honey). And I'm glad I did.

What I realized tonight is that during this process, I need to work on something that's contrary to who I've been: I need to sometimes put myself first. Had I not gone for that run tonight, I may have spent the better part of tonight feeling regretful, resentful and blameful. Instead, I think I was better able to care for my family in good spirits and energy when I got home (albeit a bit stinky).

As for the run itself ... it was hard and it sucked. No surprises there. At least I was able to make it a 1/4 mile before the pain started this time around. I'll take any sign of improvement I can get.

Gotta run!

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